πŸ‡XML Wrangler

XML Wrangler is a first-party library written by the maintainer of Saloon and is designed to modernise reading and writing XML in PHP. XML Wrangler can detect errors in XML, read gigabytes of XML files and convert XML results into Laravel Collections. Its powerful reader supports dot notation and XPath queries.

Key Features

  • Convert XML into an array

  • Write XML from an array

  • Memory-safe reader for large XML documents

  • Dot notation and XPath support for reading

use Saloon\XmlWrangler\XmlReader;

$reader = XmlReader::fromString($xml);

// Convert XML to an array

$reader->values(); // ['breakfast_menu' => [['name' => '...'], ['name' => '...'], ['name' => '...']]

// Query the XML

$reader->value('food.0')->sole(); // ['name' => 'Belgian Waffles', 'price' => '$5.95', ...]

$reader->xpathValue('//food[@bestSeller="true"]/name')->get(); // ['Belgian Waffles', 'Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles']

$reader->element('food.0')->sole()->getAttributes(); // ['soldOut' => false, 'bestSeller' => true]


Click the card below to read the documentation

Saloon Integration

XML Wrangler is also integrated with Saloon! Once installed, you'll be able to use the xmlReader() method on your responses to instantiate an XML Wrangler reader.

$response = $connector->send($request);

$reader = $response->xmlReader();

// $reader->values();
// etc...

Request Body

You may also choose to use XML Wrangler to create the request body when sending XML requests in Saloon.


use Saloon\Http\Request;
use Saloon\XmlWrangler\XmlWriter;
use Saloon\Contracts\Body\HasBody;
use Saloon\Traits\Body\HasXmlBody;
use Saloon\XmlWrangler\Data\Element;

class CreateServerRequest extends Request implements HasBody
    use HasXmlBody;

    protected Method $method = Method::POST;
    public function __construct(
        protected readonly string $ubuntuVersion,
        protected readonly string $type,
        protected readonly string $provider
    protected function defaultBody(): string
        return XmlWriter::make()->write('root', [
            'ubuntu-version' => $this->ubuntuVersion,
            'type' => $this->type,
            'provider' => $this->provider,
        // Same as...
        // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        // <root>
        //   <ubuntu-version>ubuntuVersion</ubuntu-version>
        //   <type>type</type>
        //   <provider>provider</provider>
        // </root>

Last updated