🚀Sending Requests

Getting Started

To start sending requests, instantiate your connector class and request class and use the send or sendAsync methods. When using the send method. you will receive a Response class.


$forge = new ForgeConnector('api-token');
$request = new GetServersRequest;

$response = $forge->send($request);

Asynchronous Requests

Saloon supports asynchronous requests out of the box. Use the sendAsync method, and you will receive an instance of PromiseInterface. Saloon uses Guzzle's Promises library, which uses the A+ standard. Click here to read more.


$forge = new ForgeConnector('api-token');
$promise = $forge->sendAsync(new GetServersRequest);

   ->then(function (Response $response) {
      // Handle Response
   ->otherwise(function (RequestException $exception) {
        // Handle Exception

Saloon supports all the features Guzzle offers for asynchronous requests, including unwrapping promises and request pooling for high-performance API calls. Click here to learn more.

Sending Solo Requests

Please make sure to read the section on solo requests first to configure your request. You can send solo requests directly.


$request = new GetServersRequest;
$response = $request->send();

You have the following methods available on the solo request.

  • send(MockClient $mockClient = null)

  • sendAsync(MockClient $mockClient = null)

  • createPendingRequest

  • connector

Sending requests without instantiating the connector

With previous versions of Saloon, you could send a request directly without having to use a connector to send a request. While sending requests through the connector has many benefits, you may wish to add this feature with the HasConnector trait on your request.

Adding the trait

Once you have added the trait to your request, make sure to add the connector protected property and define your connector class. You may instead extend the resolveConnector method if you need a more advanced solution.


use Saloon\Http\Request;
use Saloon\Traits\Request\HasConnector;
use App\Http\Integrations\LaravelForge\Forge;

class GetServersRequest extends Request
    use HasConnector;
    protected string $connector = Forge::class;

    protected string $method = 'GET';

    public function resolveEndpoint(): string
        return '/servers';

When defining a connector with a property, you must not have any constructor properties on your connector.

Sending requests


$request = new GetServersRequest;
$response = $request->send();

When sending multiple requests for the same service, use the same connector instance as it has a significant performance improvement over using a new connector instance for every request.

Now you can use the following methods on your request.

  • send(MockClient $mockClient = null)

  • sendAsync(MockClient $mockClient = null)

  • createPendingRequest

  • connector

Request Properties

You may also overwrite any headers, query parameters, HTTP client config and request body on the connector or request. Read through the sections above for all the methods on the request property methods.


$forge = new ForgeConnector('api-token');

// All requests sent will have the header and query parameter applied

$forge->headers()->add('X-Custom-Header', 'Hello'!);
$forge->query()->add('page', 5);

Last updated