
Saloon comes with a powerful plugin pattern that allows you to add functionality to your connectors and requests in the form of traits. Saloon has a number of useful plugins that you can make changes to your requests like headers, config or data.

Plugins can be added to a connector to be used on every request or can be added to an individual request.

Using Plugins

Plugins are really easy to install. They are PHP traits that can be added to either the connector or the request.


use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Http\SaloonConnector;
use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Traits\Plugins\AcceptsJson;

class ForgeConnector extends SaloonConnector
    use AcceptsJson;

    public function defineBaseUrl(): string
        return '';

If they are added to the connector, their logic will be applied to all requests.

Available plugins


This plugin will add the Accept: application/json header to your requests.


This plugin will run $response->throw() automatically for you so you don't have to.


This plugin allows you to specify your own timeout in the $requestTimeout property (in seconds).


This plugin will enable Guzzle debug mode so you can see more information about your requests.


This disables SSL verification. This is useful for local development when you may not have a signed SSL certificate.

Do not use this on any production API. Disabling SSL verification means hackers could see your request unencrypted and steal sensitive information like API credentials.


This allows you to specify a DTO that a request should cast to. Click here to read more about DTO casting.

Creating your own plugins

If you would like to add your own plugins, for example, if you want to install a Guzzle middleware package or if you would like to apply a specific header to your requests, you can do this really easily.

Firstly, create a trait in your application. Let's create a WithTransactionID plugin. Saloon will look for a "boot" function and will execute it during the request lifecycle. The "boot" function should be the name of the class, prefixed with the word "boot".

If you are using Laravel, you can use the php artisan saloon:plugin Artisan command to create a plugin.


use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Http\SaloonRequest;

trait WithTransactionID
    public function bootWithTransactionID(SaloonRequest $request)
            'X-Transaction-ID' => '123-YeeHaw-456'

Available Plugin Methods

Plugins will inherit all of the available methods from the connector or request it is added to, including the ability to add response interceptors and handlers.

Last updated