Saloon requests will return with a SaloonResponse class that you can interact with the response with.
Available Methods
json(): array
body(): string
stream(): StreamInterface
object(): object
collect(): Collection
dto(): object
dom(): Crawler (Requires symfony/dom-crawler)
header($header): string
headers(): array
status(): int
successful(): bool
ok(): bool
redirect(): bool
clientError(): bool
serverError(): bool
onError(callable $callback)
getRequestOptions(): array
getGuzzleException(): ?RequestException
isCached(): bool
isMocked(): bool
toGuzzleResponse(): Response
toPsrResponse(): Response
Handling Failures
Sometimes the API you are connecting with will fail. When this happens, Saloon has a really easy way to see the error response as well as handling it. If the response failed, you will still receive a SaloonResponse, but the status will represent the failure. To get the data from the response, you should use the json()
or the body()
methods to see the message from the server.
Throwing exceptions on failures
Sometimes you want to just let Saloon throw an exception if the request failed. To do this, you can use the throw()
method on the response. This will create a SaloonRequestException containing the error as well as methods to access the original response.
Casting to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
You may wish to cast the data you receive in an API response to a data transfer object (DTO). Saloon has a built-in plugin that makes this easy. Click here to read more about casting to DTOs.
Custom Responses
Sometimes you may want to use your own response class. This is is useful if you would like to add your own methods or overwrite Saloon's response methods.
To use a custom response, firstly create your custom response class and then overwrite the $response property on your connector or request.
If you are using Laravel, you can use the php artisan saloon:response Artisan command to create a response.
If the custom response is added to the connector, it will be applied to all requests made by the connector.
Your custom response must extend SaloonResponse.
Last updated