Here you can find common scenarios encountered when building API integrations with Saloon. If you have any suggestions, please contribute by editing this page!
Authenticating before every request
Some API integrations require you to make a request to create an access token that a subsequent request will use. When building this, it can add a level of complexity to your application because you have to make two requests for every single resource. Let's say you have two requests for an API. You have:
But in order to make an API call GetSongsByArtistRequest
you must obtain an access token by calling GetAccessTokenRequest
first. Let's also assume that the GetAccessTokenRequest
requires a username and password. Let's see how this may be implemented currently in your application.
This is pretty cumbersome. Every time you have to make a request, you have to write all these lines of code. One way you can get around this is by utilizing the boot
method on your connector. Let's try refactoring this.
In our connector, we'll extend the boot()
method which is a method that runs before every request that is sent through that connector, and you get access to the special PendingRequest
class which is a class that is used to store all the information of a request to be sent in a temporary way. We'll move our logic into here.
Now when we send any request using this connector, the authentication will be handled every time! We do have to make sure to pass in our authentication requirements (username, password) into the connector, but this is way better than repeating the same code. Saloon is all about standardisation!
You may also write additional logic inside of the boot method, like caching access tokens and reusing them.
Speeding Up Requests By Utilizing Laravel's Container
If you are using Laravel, then you are probably aware of its powerful container that keeps objects open in the background while you make requests or process jobs. Saloon uses Guzzle under the hood, which keeps connections open for as long as it can - which is why subsequent requests using the same connector is usually faster. Typically though, the Guzzle HTTP client will be destructed and connections closed between requests/jobs. This results in increased request times if you are doing lots of API calls across jobs or requests because it is establishing a new connection each time.
If you are using Laravel, you can bind an instance of Saloon's GuzzleSender
inside of its container and it will keep connections open between queued jobs and requests (if you are using Octane). This can provide a nice speed boost if you are using the same API service, especially if you are frequently accessing an API, like migrating data from an external API into your application.
First, you should create a new singleton in one of your service provider's register methods, and return a new instance of GuzzleSender
. The AppServiceProvider
is a good place to put this, or you could create a new HttpServiceProvider
for this.
Now, inside your Saloon connectors, you should overwrite the defaultSender
method and resolve the sender which you have bound to the container.
Now when you make requests with this connector, it will re-use the same Guzzle sender and the same Guzzle client under the hood!
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